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Charles Correa is known for which of the following fields?
A: Architecture
B: Painting
C: Ballet
D: Western Music
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TAPAS KARMAKAR answers with (C)
SONAM RAJ answers with (D)
SATNAM SINGH answers with (C)
ZILLUR RAHMAN answers with (D)
VISHAL PATEL answers with (C)
ANSHUL GUPTA answers with (B)
SAKSHI GOYAL answers with (D)
MUKESH PHARSWAN answers with (A)
A SRAVAN KUMAR answers with (C)
ARNAB BHOWMICK answers with (C)
ABHIJIT BUGADE answers with (C)
AJAY YADAV answers with (C)
SURESH KUMAR answers with (C)
UDHAY KUMAR answers with (C)
SHWETA MANGHANI answers with (A)
RAJ MALHOTRA answers with (C)
RAJESH KUMAR answers with (C)
SHAILENDRA YADAV answers with (C)
PRIYANKA JAIN answers with (D)
GAURAV KUMAR answers with (C)
TADAM DUI answers with (C)
ALOK SINGH answers with (C)
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