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    Question: Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” is stated in Surah _________ .
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Surah Ya-Seen
    Not Answered

    B: Surah Muhammad
    C: Surah Al-Muzzammil
    D: Surah Al-Fath
    Question: Which country is called the “Land of Prophets”?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Saudi Arabia
    Not Answered

    B: Syria
    C: Palestine
    D: Iraq
    Question: Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in __________ Hijrah?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: 36
    Not Answered

    B: 38
    C: 40
    D: 42
    Question: Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A)?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Aisha (R.A)
    Not Answered

    B: Juwairyyah (R.A)
    C: Hafsah (R.A)
    D: Maimoonah (R.A)
    Question: The first Msjid (Mosque) on the surface of Earth is?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Masjid-ul-Haram
    Not Answered

    B: Masjid-e-Nabavi
    C: Masjid-e-Aqsa
    D: Masjid e Quba
    Question: Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain.
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: As-Safa
    Not Answered

    B: Sil
    C: Uhud
    D: An-Noor
    Question: What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Muhammad bin Ismaeel
    Not Answered

    B: Muhammad Ismaeel
    C: Muhammad Ibraheem
    D: Ismaeel bin Ibraheem
    Question: What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Umar Farooque (R.A)
    Not Answered

    B: Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
    C: Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A)
    D: Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
    Question: What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The sword of Allah”?
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
    Not Answered

    B: Umar Farooque (R.A)
    C: Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
    D: Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
    Question: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ daughters.
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: 1
    Not Answered

    B: 2
    C: 3
    D: 4
    Question: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had __________ sons.
    by: sohail7247 (Profile)
    A: 1
    Not Answered

    B: 2
    C: 3
    D: 4
    Question: गायत्री मंत्र किसमें हैं ?
    A: ऋग्वेद
    B: सामवेद
    C: अथर्ववेद
    D: यजुर्वेद
    by: Vishal (Profile)
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    Question: बौद्ध धर्मावलम्बी अपने पूजा स्थल को क्या कहते हैं ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: संघ
    Question: हिन्दू विचारधारा के अनुसार मानव इतिहास कितने युगों में बांटा गया हैं ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: १. सतयुग
    २. त्रेतायुग
    ३. द्वापरयुग
    ४. कलयुग
    Question: भारत में बौद्ध धर्मावलमिबयों का सबसे पवित्र स्थान कहाँ है ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: सारनाथ (वाराणसी )
    Question: पारसियों का सबसे पवित्र धार्मिक ग्रंथ है ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: जेन्दावस्ता
    Question: स्वर्ण मंदिर का निर्माण किसने करवाया था ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: गुरू अर्जुनदेव
    Question: गुरूमुखी’ भाषा किसने बनाई थी ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: गुरू अंगद देव
    Question: गीता में कितने अध्याय व श्लोक है ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: 18 अध्याय व 700 से अधिक श्लोक
    Question: भगवान कृष्ण का महाअस्त्र सुदर्शन चक्र था। शंख का नाम क्या था ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: पांचजन्य
    Question: अर्जुन के धनुष का नाम क्या था ?by: vipul (Profile)
    Ans: गान्डीव
    Question: संजीवनी की खोज किसने की थी ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
    Ans: गुरू शुक्राचार्य ने
    Question: देवताओं का गुरू किसे कहा जाता है ?
    by: Rohit65 (Profile)
    Ans: वृहस्पति
    Question: ईसा मसीह का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ था ?by: Naval (Profile)
    Ans: 4 ईसा पूर्व वेथलहम में
    Question: महाभारत के रचयिता कौन थे ?by: Naval (Profile)
    Ans: महर्षि वेदव्यास
    Question: सिख धर्म के पांच 'क' कौन से हैंby: Naval (Profile)
    Ans: कड़ा
    Question: भारत का सबसे प्राचीन धर्म ग्रन्थ हैं ?
    by: Naval (Profile)
    Ans: ऋग्वेद
    Question: भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन को महाभारत के युद्ध के पूर्व किसका उपदेश दिया था?by: Naval (Profile)
    Ans: गीता का
    Question: गीता’ का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण उपदेश क्या है?by: Naval (Profile)
    Ans: बिना फल की इच्छा करते हुए कर्म करते रहो।
    Question: Founder of Jainism is ?by: amsh (Profile)
    A: Stulabhadra
    Not Answered

    B: Bhadrabhahu
    C: Parsavanath
    D: Rishabha
    Question: The first religion of the world ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
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    Question: Din-e Ilahi was founded by ?by: Vikalp (Profile)
    A: Akbar
    Not Answered

    B: Guru Nanak Dev
    C: Kabir
    D: Shah Jahan
    Question: Tripitaka is associated with ?by: Arun91 (Profile)
    A: Jains
    Not Answered

    B: Buddhists
    C: Sikhs
    D: Hindus
    Question: Who translated Gita Govinda in to English ?by: Abhijeet (Profile)
    Ans: William Jones
    Question: Back to Vedas was the quote of ?by: Jyoti (Profile)
    A: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
    Not Answered

    B: Ram Mohan Roy
    C: Swami Vivekanand
    D: Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
    Question: Sun Temple is located in?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
    A: Konark, Odisha
    Not Answered

    B: Sanchi, MP
    C: Mandu, MP
    D: None of these.
    Question: Which among the following is the largest Buddhist monastery in India ?by: amit (Profile)
    A: Ghum monastery (West Bengal)
    Not Answered

    B: Rumtek monastery (Sikkim)
    C: Twang monastery (Arunachal Pradesh)
    D: Kursha monastery (Jammu & Kashmir)
    Question: The Jains believe that Mahavira was the last of the?by: amsh (Profile)
    A: teachers
    Not Answered

    B: monks
    C: prophets
    D: tirthankaras
    Question: What's true about The Upanishads?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: also known as Vedanta
    Not Answered

    B: collection of philosophical texts
    C: translates to "sitting down near"
    D: All of these.
    Question: Veda's poetical potion is known as ?by: alok5161 (Profile)
    A: Brahmanas
    Not Answered

    B: Samhitas
    C: Aranyakas
    Question: Whats not true about Bhishma ?by: Anita (Profile)
    A: taught by Brihaspati & Sukracharya
    Not Answered

    B: also named Devavrata
    C: 7th son of the King Shantanu
    D: also known as Pitamaha
    Question: How many children did Ganga drown in her own waters?by: Anita (Profile)
    A: 5
    Not Answered

    B: 6
    C: 7
    D: 8
    Question: According to Mahabharat, Ganga was the wife of ?by: Anita (Profile)
    A: Shantanu
    Not Answered

    B: Vichitravirya
    C: Vashishta
    D: None of these.
    Question: The holy book Zend Avesta belongs to ?by: Ashi (Profile)
    A: Judaism
    Not Answered

    B: Zoroastrianism
    C: Christianity
    D: None of these.
    Question: The earliest holy book of Hindus is?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Gita
    Not Answered

    B: Veda
    C: Ramayana
    D: Mahabharat
    Question: The cradle of Buddhism is called? by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Uttar Pradesh
    Not Answered

    B: Bihar
    C: Sikkim
    D: None of these.
    Question: In which given place did Buddha attained enlightenment?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Lumbini
    Not Answered

    B: Sarnath
    C: Bodh Gaya
    D: Sanchi
    Question: Who is not the son of Vyasa?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Dhritarashtra
    Not Answered

    B: Pandu
    C: Vidura
    D: Ashwatthama
    Question: Who in the following list named Dashanan as "Ravana" ?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Shiva (Shankar)
    Not Answered

    B: Brahma
    C: Vishnu
    D: None of these.
    Question: who has the most stable mind in the world?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Dadi Janki
    Not Answered

    B: Dadi Prakash Mani
    C: Dadi Ratan Mohini
    D: Dadi Hirdaya Mohini "Gulzar"
    Question: International headquarter of "Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya"?by: Alok (Profile)
    A: Mount Abu (Rajasthan)
    Not Answered

    B: Pachmarhi (Madhya Pradesh)
    C: Manali
    D: None of these.
    Question: Who among the following was the founder of "Khalsa"?by: anand (Profile)
    A: Guru Govind Singh
    Not Answered

    B: Guru Teg Bahadur
    C: Guru Nanak Dev
    D: Guru Angad Dev
    Question: The festival of "Guru Purnima" is dedicated to ..... ?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Tulsidas
    Not Answered

    B: Guru Nanak
    C: Veda Vyasa
    D: None of these
    Question: "Krita Yuga" is the other name of ...? by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Satya Yuga
    Not Answered

    B: Treta Yuga
    C: Dvapara Yuga
    D: KaliYuga
    Question: 10th & last Avatar of God Vishnu is?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Matsya
    Not Answered

    B: Vamana
    C: Kalki
    D: None of these
    Question: 1st Avatar of God Vishnu is?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Matsya
    Not Answered

    B: Kurma
    C: Varaha
    D: Narasimha
    Question: 7th Avatar of God Vishnu is?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Parashurama
    Not Answered

    B: Shri Rama
    C: Shri Krishna
    D: Buddha
    Question: "Dashavatara" is ten major incarnations of God ...?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Shankar
    Not Answered

    B: Indra
    C: Bramha
    D: Vishnu
    Question: Weapon of god Indra is?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Vajra (Thunderbolt)
    Not Answered

    B: Trishul (Trident)
    C: Dhanush (Bow)
    D: None of these
    Question: Indra is god of ..... ? by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Rain and Thunderstorms
    Not Answered

    B: Fire
    C: Wind
    D: None of these
    Question: What Indian deity play flute?by: EGPAGE (Profile)
    A: Shri Rama
    Not Answered

    B: Vishnu
    C: Shri Krishna
    D: None of these
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