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The Sarvodaya Movement was started by ?
A: Mahatma Gandhi
B: Jayprakash Narayan
C: Jyotiba Phule
D: Vinoba Bhave
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Vinoba Bhave formed the Sarvodaya movement.
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1 1 answers with (D)
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KRISHNA PUROHIT answers with (A)
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NITIN GHORE answers with (D)
SAMIR KUMAR answers with (D)
IMRAN BASHA answers with (D)
SONERAO JADHAV answers with (C)
PRAVEEN MUTYALA answers with (D)
BOGA NAGESH answers with (D)
UMMED SINGH answers with (D)
DEEPAK KUMAR answers with (D)
SAI KIRAN PARNANDI answers with (D)
SARANYA CHANA answers with (D)
MOHAN RAMESH answers with (D)
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