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Who took over as the new Chairman of Tata group firm Trent Ltd. on 31st march 2014 ?
A: S N Tata
B: F H Kavarana
C: Noel n Tata
D: Ramesh Subramanyam
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KULDEEP SAXENA answers with (C)
SARANYA SURESH answers with (D)
PUSHPENDRA YADAV answers with (C)
ANUJ CHAUDHARY answers with (C)
PRABHAT VIJODA answers with (A)
PARUL SHARMA answers with (C)
BOGA NAGESH answers with (C)
SAI KIRAN PARNANDI answers with (C)
TADAM DUI answers with (C)
ANEEL KUMAR MONANGI answers with (C)
ABU HUZAIFA answers with (C)
ANU SRI answers with (C)
SAI KUMAR answers with (C)
KESAVAN KUMAR answers with (C)
SHAILENDRA YADAV answers with (C)
SONAI MUTHU answers with (C)
NIRMAL JADAB answers with (C)
RAKESH YELURI answers with (C)
MUNISH SHARMA answers with (A)
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