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Which among the following is the largest Buddhist monastery in India ?
A: Ghum monastery (West Bengal)
B: Rumtek monastery (Sikkim)
C: Twang monastery (Arunachal Pradesh)
D: Kursha monastery (Jammu & Kashmir)
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MOHD NAWAZ BATT answers with (C)
HAMID ALLI answers with (C)
PUSHPENDRA YADAV answers with (C)
PRAVEEN MUTYALA answers with (C)
BOGA NAGESH answers with (C)
SAI KIRAN PARNANDI answers with (C)
SONAM RAJ answers with (D)
PRAFUL KUMAR answers with (D)
DEVENDER SINGH answers with (B)
KALIPADA JANA answers with (B)
SHAILENDRA YADAV answers with (C)
SURAJ GARNAIK answers with (D)
TADAM DUI answers with (C)
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