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Question: --- भारतीय वायुसेना का विमान जो 27 दिसंबर 2019 को सेवानिवृत्त हो गया – मिग-27
--- वह सरकारी योजना जिसके तहत सरकार द्वारा मार्च 2020 तक भारत के सभी गावों को वाईफाई से जोड़ने का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया गया है - भारतनेट योजना
--- वह राज्य जिसके द्वारा ज्योतिराव फुले किसान ऋण माफ़ी योजना की घोषणा की गई है – महाराष्ट्र
--- वह राज्य जिसमें दक्षिण भारत का सबसे पुराना शिलालेख पाया गया है – आन्ध्र प्रदेश
--- वह मोबाइल सेवा प्रदाता जिसने भारत में वाई-फाई कॉलिंग की सुविधा प्रारंभ की है – एयरटेल
--- वह स्थान जहां पर भारत की पहली ट्रांसजेंडर यूनिवर्सिटी स्थापित की जा रही है – कुशीनगर (उत्तर प्रदेश)
--- वह देश जिसमें मनाया जाने वाला हनुक्का फेस्टिवल ‘रोशनी के त्यौहार’ के रूप में भी जाना जाता है – इज़राइल
--- वर्नन फिलेंडर इस टीम के खिलाड़ी हैं जिन्होंने हाल ही में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट से संन्यास लेने की घोषणा की – दक्षिण अफ्रीका
--- खादी ग्रामोद्योग आयोग (केवीआईसी) ने जिस स्थान पर 100 किसानों को 1000 बी-बॉक्स वितरित किये हैं – अगरतला
--- संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा हाल ही में जिसे 'इस दशक में विश्व की सबसे प्रसिद्ध किशोरी' बताया गया है – मलाला युसुफज़ई
by: Alok (Profile)
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you can submit your answer here.
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Question: Mobile Aadhaar is now a valid identity proof to enter airportsby: Alok (Profile)
Ans: The mAadhaar app, which is currently available only for Android phones, syncs the user’s Aadhaar data on their mobile phone. It stores the number, address, bar code and other details and let users share profiles. With mAadhaar, passengers will not need to carry the original document.
Question: Current Affairs 18 September 2017by: Alok (Profile)
Ans: • पाकिस्तान में नवाज शरीफ को पीएम पद के लिए अयोग्य ठहराए जाने के बाद खाली हुई सीट पर नवाज शरीफ की पत्नी ने जीत दर्ज की. उनका नाम है – कुलसुम नवाज
• वह तूफ़ान जिसने हाल ही में जापान के कागोशिमा प्रांत में भारी तबाही मचाई – तालीम
• नीतीश कुमार को जेडीयू के अध्यक्ष पद से हटाकर उनके स्थान पर इन्हें कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष नियुक्त किया गया – छोटू भाई वसावा
• वर्ष 1965 के भारत-पाक युद्ध में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाने वाले भारत के एयर मार्शल का नाम जिनका हाल ही में निधन हो गया – मार्शल अर्जन सिंह .....Read more...
Question: समसामयिक जुलाई 2017 - Current Affair july 2017by: Alok (Profile)
Ans: 1. भारत के14वें राष्ट्रपति कौन बनें है?
# रामनाथ कोविंद
2. भारत के 15वें अटॉर्नी जनरल किसे नियुक्त किया
गया है?
# केके_वेणुगोपाल
3. रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया के अनुसार 2017-18 में भारत
की आर्थिक वृद्धि दर कितनी
होगी? - 7.3%
4.किस देश ने गुलदाउदी फूल की एक
नस्ल का नामकरण नरेंद्र मोदी के नाम पर
'मोदी' किया है? # इस्राइल
5. ट्राई की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार सबसे अधिक 4G
इंटरनेट स्पीड किस टेलिकॉम ऑपरेटर की
है # रिलायंस_जिओ
6. राष्ट्रीय .....
Question: Who declared Finance Minister Ishaq Dar “Finance Minister of the year 2016 for South Asia”?
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
Not Answered

B: World Bank
C: Emerging Markets
D: World Economic Forum
Question: The North-South gas pipeline will transport LNG from
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
A: Karachi to Lahore
Not Answered

B: Lahore to Karachi
C: Gwadar to Karachi
D: Gwadar to Sukkur
Question: Pakistan won Cricket Champions Trophy 2017 by beating India in the final. Pakistan won this trophy for the
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
A: first time
Not Answered

B: second time
C: third time
D: fourth time
Question: Pakistan became a full member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
A: 8,9 June 2017
Not Answered

B: 18 June 2017
C: 9 May 2017
D: 18 May 2017
Question: The total length of Karachi-Lahore Motorway is
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
A: 1,152 km
Not Answered

B: 1,300 km
C: 1,200 km
D: 1,100 km
Question: Governor Sindh Saeed-uz-Zaman Siddiqui who died on 11 January 2017 had also served as
by: sohail7247 (Profile)
A: Chief Justice Sindh High Court
Not Answered

B: Chief Justice Lahore High Court
C: Chief Justice Islamabad High Court
D: Chief Justice of Pakistan
Question: Who became 1st richest man in the world for a while ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Jeff Bezos
Not Answered

B: Mark Zuckerberg
C: Bill Gates
D: None
Question: Who becomes Asias second richest person in 2017?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Li-Ka-Shing
Not Answered

B: Mukesh Ambani
C: Jack Ma
D: Ajim Prem
Question: Where is located worlds longest pedestrian bridge?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Switzerland
Not Answered

B: Germany
C: America
D: Scotland
Question: Which Metro declared worlds first Green Metro?by: Alok (Profile)
A: London Metro
Not Answered

B: Tokyo Metro
C: Delhi Metro
D: Delhi Metro
Question: Who was appointed as the President of Cisco for operations in India and SAARC countries ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Vinod Kumar
Not Answered

B: Sameer Garde
C: Navjot Singh
D: Sahil Shehbaz
Question: Who has been awarded with the Sportsperson of the Year award 2017?by: Alok (Profile)
A: PV Sindhu
Not Answered

B: Saina Nehwal
C: Sakshi Malik
D: None
Question: किस भारतीय अमेरिकी ने वर्ष 2017 का अमेरिका की सबसे बड़ी भाषण प्रतियोगिता जीती?by: Alok (Profile)
A: जेजे कपूर
Not Answered

B: शिवान बजाज
C: देवेन्द्र सिंह
D: None
Question: भारत की ओर से इज़राइल की यात्रा करने वाला पहला प्रधानमंत्री कौन है?by: Alok (Profile)
A: नरेन्द्र मोदी
Not Answered

B: अटल बिहारी बाजपेयी
C: मनमोहन सिंह
D: None
Question: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji stayed in which hotel in Israel ?by: Alok (Profile)
Ans: King David Hotel
King David Hotel is in Jerusalem.
this is said that King David Hotel where PM Modi has been housed is secured against bomb attacks, chemical attacks and almost everything and one of the most secure locations in the world.
Question: Except India Dual GST model also followed by which country ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Canada
Not Answered

B: France
C: both
D: None
Question: जी. एस.टी. को सबसे पहले किस देश ने अपनाया ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: France
Not Answered

B: Canada
C: India
D: None
Question: Who is the head of GST Council?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Narendra Modi
Not Answered

B: Arun Jaitley
C: Uma Bharati
D: Rajnath Singh
Question: austria is a capital of
by: nehasihasane (Profile)
Answer not given by asker,
you can submit your answer here.
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Question: India's largest trading partner in 2014-15by: mangalsubba (Profile)
Not Answered

B: China
D: Bangladesh
Question: Which comapny has become the first in the history of corporate world to reach a market value of USD 700 Billion ?by: Alok (Profile)
A: Apple Inc
Not Answered

B: Shell Inc
C: Microsoft
Question: 10th feb will henceforth be recognized inn India as ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: National Cancer Day
Not Answered

B: National Deworming Day
C: None of these.
Question: The Yash Bharti Samman is conferred by which Indian state government ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Uttar Pradesh
Not Answered

B: Punjab
C: Maharashtra
Question: Diptosh Majumdar died recently. He was a veteran in which field ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Journalism
Not Answered

B: Cartoon Making
Question: Which company did Facebook tie up with for launching in India?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Reliance Communications Ltd
Not Answered

B: Vodafone India
C: Bharti Airtel
D: Idea Cellular Services
Question: World’s first humanoid robot-staffed hotel is set to open in which city ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Tokyo, Japan
Not Answered

B: Simpang, Singapore
C: Nagasaki, Japan
D: Seoul, South Korea
Question: Falcon 9 rocket has been designed and manufactured by?by: Naval (Profile)
A: SpaceX
Not Answered

D: European Space Agency
Question: Where was the Human Assistance and Disaster Relief exercise conducted by the Indian Navy ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Lakshadweep Islands
Not Answered

B: Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Question: The National Voter Service Portal was launched by the Union Government on which of the following dates:by: Naval (Profile)
A: 25th of January, 2015
Not Answered

B: 26th of January, 2015
C: 27th of January, 2015
D: None of these.
Question: INS Viraat is going to be decommissioned next year, it is a ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Aircraft Carrier
Not Answered

B: Patrol Ship
C: Nuclear Submarine
D: Light Combat Aircraft
Question: Deep Space Climate Observatory Satellite" of SpaceX (US Pvt Company) will be used for ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: To monitor Smog
Not Answered

B: To monitor the sun
C: To monitor Co2 level
D: To monitor Ozone
Question: First National Deworming Day was observed on ? by: Naval (Profile)
A: 7 February
Not Answered

B: 9 February
C: 10 February
D: 12 February
Question: Who among the following has been awarded Keynes Prize for 2015 ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Amartya Sen
Not Answered

B: Raghuram Rajan
C: Kaushik Basu
Question: First World Ocean Science Congress (WOSC)was held at which place ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Kochi
Not Answered

B: Chennai
C: Mumbai
Question: India based Neutrino Observatory (INO)is being setup at which place ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Theni
Not Answered

B: Mysore
C: Kochi
D: None of these.
Question: Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC) is a new Cyber Security watch agency set up by which nation ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: United States
Not Answered

B: United Kingdom
C: North Korea
Question: New Director General of Indo Tibetan Border Police is ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Krishna Chaudhary
Not Answered

B: Subhas Goswami
Question: The Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System project has been launched by ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Andhra Pradesh
Not Answered

B: Himachal Pradesh
C: Telangana
D: Maharashtra
Question: Litter Free Campaign has most recently been launched by ?by: Naval (Profile)
Not Answered

B: Hindustan Unilever Ltd
C: Parle Products
D: Tata Sons
Question: BrahMos missile has already been inducted in which of the following forces ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Indian Army & Navy
Not Answered

B: Indian Navy & Air Force
C: Indian Army & Air Force
D: None of these.
Question: Who will be heading the recently constituted SIT to probe into the 1984 Sikh riots cases?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Rakesh Kapoor
Not Answered

B: Pramod Asthana
C: Kumar Gyanesh
D: Asim Ahmed Khan
Question: The largest overseas diplomatic mission/embassy of China is located in which of the following countries?by: Naval (Profile)
A: India
Not Answered

B: Pakistan
C: Russia
Question: Which city hosted the 1st Renewable Energy Global Investors Meet (RE-Invest) 2015?by: Naval (Profile)
A: New Delhi
Not Answered

B: Mumbai
C: Jaipur
D: Bangalore
Question: Balchandra Nemade, the 2014 Jnanpith Awards winner, is a writer of which language ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Marathi
Not Answered

B: Gujrati
C: Bengali
D: None of these.
Question: Which metro city has become India's first WiFi enabled city ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Kolkata
Not Answered

B: New Delhi
C: Mumbai
D: None of these.
Question: The 5th General Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) was held in ?
(C) Beijing
by: vipul (Profile)
A: Abu Dhabi
Not Answered

B: Geneva
C: Dubai
D: None of these.
Question: Who has been appointed as member of the advisory committee for Trade policy and negotiations by US President Obama ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Ajay Banga
Not Answered

B: Rajat Sharma
C: Vinod Khosla
D: Indra nooyi
Question: Which high speed patrolling ship has been inducted by Indian Coast Guard ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Kamrota
Not Answered

B: Amogh
C: Hansa
D: Triveni
Question: Tejas has been in the news recently, Tejas is a ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Light Combat Aircraft
Not Answered

B: Nuclear Submarine
C: Aircraft Carrier
Question: Who has been appointed as special coordinator for Middle East Peace Process by United Nations ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Nickolay Mladenov
Not Answered

B: Michael Bloomberg
C: Jane Grant
Question: Who has been elected as new Greece President ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Zoe Konstantopoulou
Not Answered

B: Anna Benaki
C: Jane Benaki
Question: International Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed on which date ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: 19 January
Not Answered

B: 22 January
C: 25 January
D: 27 January
Question: Who has been appointed as an Honorary Advisor to the ministry of railways ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Vinod Rai
Not Answered

B: TSR Subramaniam
C: E Sreedharan
Question: Shanta Kumar Committee has submitted its report recently, It was setup for ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Coal Sector Reform
Not Answered

B: Restructuring of food corporation of india
C: Black Money
Question: Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme has been launched from ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Rajasthan
Not Answered

B: Delhi
C: Haryana
D: Punjab
Question: Houthi Rebels are active in ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Iraq
Not Answered

B: Syria
C: Yemen
D: None of these.
Question: Who has been Awarded as "Best Electoral Practices Award" by Election Commission of India ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: C V Anand
Not Answered

B: Megha Sharma
C: Rakesh Singh
Question: Deendayal Antodaya Yojana is associated with ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Financial Inclusion
Not Answered

B: Poverty Eradication
C: Woman Empowerment
D: Skill Development
Question: Kuka Movement Belong to ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Uttar Pradesh
Not Answered

B: Kerala
C: Punjab
D: Jharkhand
Question: Sushasan Express launched by the Union Government will rn between ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Gwalior and Lucknow
Not Answered

B: Gwalior and Gonda
C: Gwalior and Indore
D: None of these.
Question: SMS based cyclone warning systems has been launched by ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Ministry of Environment and Forest
Not Answered

B: Union Ministry of Science and Technology
C: India Meteorological Department
D: None of these.
Question: First non-Tribal Chief Minister for Jharkhand ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Saryu Roy
Not Answered

B: Babulal Marandi
C: Raghubar Das
D: None of these.
Question: The Second Yash Chopra Memorial Award was awarded to ?by: Naval (Profile)
A: Amitabh Bachchan
Not Answered

B: Dilip Kumar
C: Rajesh Khanna
D: Shahrukh Khan
Question: Who has been crowned as Miss World 2014 ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Rolene Strauss
Not Answered

B: Kayal Rana
C: Melinda Bam
D: Marilyn Ramos
Question: Recently appointed Prime Minister of Mauritius is ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Rama Sithanen
Not Answered

B: Paul Berenger
C: Anerood Jugnauth
Question: INDC Stands for ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
Not Answered

B: International Nationally Determined Contributions
Question: Which national team won Champions Trophy of Hockey for the year 2014 ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Pakistan
Not Answered

B: Australia
C: Germany
Question: International Day of Girl Child is observed on ?by: pri003 (Profile)
A: 2nd October
Not Answered

B: 5th oct
C: 11th October
D: 15th October
Question: Kailash Satyarthi has won Nobel Peace Prize for ?by: Jyoti (Profile)
A: Human Rights
Not Answered

B: Child Rights
C: Women's Right
Question: Kotak Mahindra has launched which platform for Facebook fund transfer ?by: Jyoti (Profile)
A: Paypal
Not Answered

B: KayPay
Question: Sukrutham progamme for cancer treatment is launched by ?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Kerala
Not Answered

B: Meghalaya
C: Telangana
Question: What is Umbrella Revolution ?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Protest in Brazil
Not Answered

B: Protest in Meghalaya
C: Protest in Hongkong
Question: Next SAARC summit organized in November 2014 in ?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Dhaka
Not Answered

B: Kathmandu
C: Karachi
Question: UAN (Universal Account Number) scheme for labour reform is related with ? by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Universal Portable PF Number
Not Answered

B: Single NPS Account Number
C: Single Bank account number for all worker
Question: Dada Bhai Naoroji Award has been started by which country ?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: India
Not Answered

Question: Sultan of Johor Cup 2014 is being played in which country ?by: prashantg (Profile)
A: Pakistan
Not Answered

B: Malaysia
C: Singapore
Question: First woman director of Hindustan Unilever Limited ?by: Puneet (Profile)
A: Kalapana Morparia
Not Answered

B: Seema malhotra
C: Alpana Singh
Question: A Man and a motorcycle book is written by ?by: Puneet (Profile)
A: Hamid Karzai
Not Answered

B: Lionel Messi
C: Manuel Nuer
Question: Name of the operation launched by Indian Navy to deal with Cyclone Hudhud ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Operation Blue
Not Answered

B: Operation Lehar
C: Operation Sagar
Question: Who was awarded with Best Central Bank Governor award by Euromoney ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Raghuram Rajan
Not Answered

B: Mark Carney
C: Riad Salameh
Question: IRCTC connect is a ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Android App to book Railway Tickects
Not Answered

B: Toll free number
C: Web site
Question: India's first research station in Arctic region ?by: vipul (Profile)
A: Himadhri
Not Answered

B: Maitri
C: Bharathi
Question: Which Mars moon planet's pics has been sent by Mangalyaan recently ?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Phobas
Not Answered

B: Eurapa
C: Dione
Question: Chief Economic Advisor of India 2014 is ?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Kaushik Basu
Not Answered

B: CNR Rao
C: Arvind Subramaniam
Question: UNESCO stands forby: kalidhass24 (Profile)
Ans: United Nations Educational scientific and cultural Organisation
Question: Amazon has signed agreement with which company for selling products online ?by: sonal (Profile)
A: Myntra
Not Answered

B: Reliance
C: Future Group
Question: India has funded which of the Rail Line in SriLanka ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Rajpaksha Express
Not Answered

B: Tamil Express
C: Yal Devi Express
Question: Who has been honored with Asia Pacific Excellence Award ?by: Rohit65 (Profile)
A: Chetan Bhagat
Not Answered

B: Natwar Singh
C: Abhay K
Question: India has been ranked at which place in Global Hunger Index Report 2014 ?by: Piyush16 (Profile)
A: 12
Not Answered

B: 55
C: 60
Question: Who has been voted as the India's most valuable player in Asian Games ?by: Piyush16 (Profile)
A: Mary Kom
Not Answered

B: Sushil Kumar
C: Saina nehwal
Question: Who has won Dutch open Grand Prix Badminton Tournament ?by: Piyush16 (Profile)
A: Saina Nehwal
Not Answered

B: Ajay Jayaram
C: Seema Malhotra
Question: Who has been honored with National Kishore Kumar Award 2012-13 ?by: Piyush16 (Profile)
A: Arijit Singh
Not Answered

B: Sameer
C: Pritam
Question: Who has won Man Booker prize 2014 ?by: Ashi (Profile)
A: Chetan Bhagat
Not Answered

B: Richard Flanagan
C: Amish Tripathi
Question: Final Test: Exit Sachin Tendulkar book has been written by ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Kapil Dev
Not Answered

B: Rahul Dravid
C: Dilip D' Souza
Question: Untold Story of Indian Public Sector book has been written by ?by: amsh (Profile)
A: Manpreet Singh
Not Answered

B: U D Choubey
C: CNR Rao
Question: Uppalapu Srinivas was famous as ?by: Asha (Profile)
A: Mandolin Player
Not Answered

B: Kathak Dancer
C: Singer
D: None of these.
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